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and Vermont

The non-profit rescue ship Aquarius makes two rescues

The last two rescues were the ship's 14th and 15th.
From a gray rubber raft they saved 132 migrants: of them 1 were women and 31 children, 28 of whom were unaccompanied, the youngest ten years old. Most were from Guinea-Conakry, Ivory Coast and Mali. They spent between three days and and 2 weeks in a hangar on the Libyan coast, fed once a day, before being wakened in the middle of the night to to be taken blindfolded toward a Tripoli beach where they set sail at 2 a.m.

Next rescue: another Zodiac, black, invisible in the middle of the night. 126 people saved near the end of their lives, exhausted. Men , women and babies.
Then, at 4:13 a.m., the Italian Navy transferred to the Aquarius the 395 people they had just saved from two other rubber rafts in peril.
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